How to Drive Your Man Crazy

Your man works hard. He comes home stressed and exhausted. Caring for his physical needs is a gift that will help him to relax after a long, trying day. He will appreciate that you care about his needs and this is bound to bring the two of you closer.
But who are we kidding? Do we want to drive our men crazy for his own pleasure or for ours? If we’re honest, it’s so about us.
Not only do we reap the rewards of getting mind blowing sex; but we get a sense of control and power over him which is intoxicating to us (and probably for him too!)
While this evil strategy ultimately works for us, we guarantee that your guy will be completely exhilarated by being on the receiving end of this plot.
Let’s start by debunking all of the skewed perceptions you have about yourself. You may believe you have to be a vixen to mesmerize him. This assumption is absolutely wrong.
Regardless of your size and shape or insecurities (which we all have), you possess something unique that trounces appearances, you have feminine wiles and you know how to, or you can learn to use them.
And you underestimate the most sacred goods you possess- a tight, wet, warm pussy. You may have noticed that men like them!
What I’m getting at is that your skills, coupled with that irresistible place between your legs,are irresistable, way outweighing what you think are your physical flaws.
Your pussy and feminine wiles are enough to get into his head, which is where you want to be.
The brain is the most important sex organ of all. Get into his head, and he’ll be defenseless to your siren’s song.
If you want to work your man into a frenzy, follow our lead.
Start Slow
You want to launch your strategy early in the day. Don’t wait until your man gets home, tired from work. You want him to come home with a burning desire to be with you. Start early and go slowly.
Start with a slow burn and amp things up at a steady pace.
Be Enthusiastic
Enthusiasm for your strategy is key. Letting your man know you are anxiously anticipating being together is a huge turn on. Guys want to feel desired just as much as we do. .
Start by sending flirty texts, letting him know you can’t wait until the moment you’re together. Build up the anticipation, starting with sweet, tame texts that become increasingly naughty. Send him a sexy selfie to remind him what he’ll be getting later that night.
Set the Stage
You may think that we women are more romantic than men, but don’t assume that ambience doesn’t matter to guys. Set the stage for intimacy with some sensual music, mood lighting, and scented candles. Finally, make sure you smell delicious!
Relax Him
Go slow. Pour him a glass of wine. Brush up against him sensually..Snuggle on the couch. Nuzzle his neck. Massage his back. Rub his feet. Place loving kisses on his chest and work down to his happy trail. Take your time and drag it out. Tell him how much you care in faint whispers.
Sharing a warm, relaxing bath or playing under a steamy shower is a fun way t for both of you to relax. If you really want to spoil him have him lay back in the tub.
Insist he close his eyes and wash his whole body, start with his least sensitive areas and progress to the areas that will build his desire, making sure not to miss his most sensitive areas.
Tease him
Don’t make things too easy for him. Coyly postponing intimacy will raise both of your excitement.
Saunter around in your sexiest neglige and refuse to let him touch you. Brush against him, then give him a look saying, “You can’t have this”.
Toy with him. Be irresistible but unobtainable (at least for a while!)
Be Confident
Self-confidence is a huge turn on to guys. In contrast, insecurity in the bedroom can be a mood killer.
If you aren’t feeling particularly confident or have self-doubt, fake it til you make it. We all have our insecurities. It’s normal; but the more you act sure of yourself, the more confident you’ll become.
When you see his positive response, your confidence will grow. He will never know you are quivering inside with feelings of inadequacy! Keep it your little secret.
Another thing that can boost your confidence is adding to your repertoire of knowledge and skill. As they say, practice makes perfect. He won’t mind being your guinea pig!
Read up tricks of the trade and then try them out with gusto. Pretend like you invented those moves.
The rest of the night can be as crazy or sensual as the both of you would like. Your only limitation is your imagination and ensuring your guy is up to following your lead.
Take Control
For a guy who usually initiates, taking a break from that role can be exciting. Some men fantasize about being overtaken by a woman.
With you leading the process and controlling the pace, he’s not really sure where you’re headed. Your mysterious plan will heighten his desire.
Don’t forget to be irresistible. Wear something sexy and feminine. Smell delicious. Act sensually. Talk in whispers. Evade his eye contact, instead making furtive sultry glances. Smile a lot.
Be Spontaneous
Do you normally make love in the bedroom? Consider breaking out of your usual routine. The usual routine in your sex life may feel comforting, but it doesn’t create excitement and passion.
Men like to have fun. Your creativity and spontaneity will add to the fun, making the experience a real adventure.
Think of some exciting places where you can spice things up. Here are some of our favorite spots:
- In a pool or on a little traveled beach
- Parking the car in a remote area and going to town in the backseat.
- Under the stars in a blanket in a deserted meadow
- Hiking off the beaten path in the woods
We’ve shared our best suggestions for driving your man crazy and building him up to give you amazing sex. Now it’s your turn to use your own imagination and feminine power to put things into action.